The Brand new 5mm super strong Tapslitter spanner and hex clamping system to enhance your easytapsplitter, if you already have any of our Tapslitter kits, we are now offering the following,
1 x 5mm thickness tapspanner along with the new end clamp for securing and holding the hexagon adaptor in place, this is now not only 25% stronger then the previous spanner, it has the unique clamping mechanism to hold the hexagon adaptors tightly in place, you can now tighten the taphead as well as undoing it.
This addition will makes the whole kit much easier to assemble and use, and will fit perfectly with the kit you already have.
Please note, all future kits we supply will now have this upgrade included, ie, the compact tapsplitter, Easy Tapsplitter, Pozibite tapsplitter, or the Tapkit-Pro.
Made in UK by ABDtools